You will ONLY find these clues on this blog! Thanks hawkeye and JDog for planting this box!
Lanier Park - Buford, GA.
Pay Area
Hike Length - 1/2 mile
Locate the bathrooms that are closest to the boat ramp. Find the wide trail behind the bathrooms and follow it into the woods. At the fork continue left. Shortly you will pass a pile of stumps on your left. After that the trail makes a right turn followed shortly by a left turn. As you make the left notice that the trail begins heading slightly downhill. Continue on the trail until you come to a 15 foot tall stump on the right about 20 steps off of the trail.
good morning dudes. I'm actually into shoes and I was digging as far as something that meticulous make. The prices for the boots are about 250 pounds on every site. But completely I set this area selling them for half price. I absolutely want these [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]prada sneakers[/url]. I will absolutely purchase them. what is your opinion?
good morning fellas. I'm actually into shoes and I was looking allowing for regarding that exact model. The prices for the shoes are about 340 dollars on every site. But definitively I bring about this area selling them someone is concerned half price. I absolutely love these [url=http://www.shoesempire.com]gucci sneakers[/url]. I will probably buy those. what is your opinion?
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